sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2024

Let's Cruzade, Baby!

There was a time, the time of Richard Lionheart, when the Brits would go to the Holy Land to fight the moors. Then they went through the Protestant Reformation, and now they do the ANTI-CRUZADE. That is, they fight against the Catholic Church.

Let's make a deal! You give us back Westminster Abbey, and you can take Ireland! And then, happy and reconciliated, we go to Palestine to fight the heretics.

But this time, we will struggle against two of them: jews AND mohammedans. We have to separate them (a little bit of ethnic cleansing). We need to sequester the priests, pastors, popes, papás, imans, rabbis, until they straighten up. We have to denuclearise the land. And we need to reclaim Jerusalem, and pray the Mass on the Mount of the Temple.

Let's Go!

And Help Us, Urban II!

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